Love till death — Hornbill’s Monogamous behavious


Malabar grey hornbill

It is surprising that people find it difficult to grasp the idea of few birds and animals species are monogamous. Many species live with their single partner till their death. Hornbills are one of such species with a distinct love story. Hornbills are known for it beautiful strong “horn-like” bent bills.

In India, 9 species of hornbills are found and 4 of them are available in western ghats. Hornbills nests in the regions where tall trees and fruits are available. Hornbill’s breeding time is between Jan-June, this also coincides with the rainy seasons and fruits availability etc.

Indian Grey hornbill

Hornbills nest in the cavities of tall trees. Female checks the cavities based on food availability and safety. Once the female pick the nest, they undergo an interesting breeding habit.

Female hornbill locks herself within the cavity by covering the opening with mud, barks, excreta, saliva, etc. She leaves a small opening to share the food. Male hornbills collect food for female and young ones.

Malabar pied hornbill (male & female)

Hornbills usually eat berries and fruits but the diet differs during the breeding season. Nonavailability of fruits and high energy needs urge the hornbills to hunt for small animals and young ones of other birds. During this breeding season, female and young ones are completely depended on the male for their survival till the juveniles reach a mature state. If the male bird dies during this breeding season, that will also result in death of female and young ones.



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